1. Professor of the Graduate School, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley

  2. Assistant Project Scientist, Berkeley Seismology Lab & Department of Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley

  3. Postdoc, Berkeley Seismology Lab & Department of Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley

  4. UC Berkeley, Miller Postdoctoral Fellow

  5. Dorian Soergel

  6. Mrinal Dursun

  7. Yuancong Gou

  8. Prajna Paramita Das

  9. Bo Rong

  10. Haoyu Wang

  11. Undergraduate Researcher at UC Berkeley

Former Participants

Graduate Students

  • Alex Robson (PhD 2020)
  • Li-Wei Chen (PhD 2021) is now a post-doc at UC Berkeley
  • Sevan Adourian is continuing his PhD at UC Berkeley with Harriet Lau and Michael Manga
  • Anais Ibourichene (PhD 2017) is now a post-doc at Nancy, France
  • Pierre Clouzet (PhD 2017) is now a post-doc at ENS Lyon, France
  • Matthias Meschede (PhD 2015)
  • Zhao (Allen) Zheng (PhD 2014) is now a Microseismic Geophysicist at Halliburton, TX
  • Scott French (PhD 2014) is now at Google Inc.
  • Michael Antolik is now a scientist at QTSI/AFTAC in Florida
  • Ludovic Breger is now with Barclays Global Investors
  • Sanne Cottaar (PhD 2013) is now a lecturer at Cambridge University, U.K.
  • David Dolenc is now at the U of Minnesota, Duluth, Large Lakes Observatory
  • Yuancheng Gung is now on the faculty at National Taiwan University
  • Chaincy Kuo is now a researcher at LBNL
  • Vedran Lekic (PhD 2009) is now associate professor at the University of Maryland
  • Yves LeStunff is now a researcher at Total
  • Charles Megnin now lives in France
  • Mark Panning is now on the science team at JPL, Pasadena, CA
  • Michael Pasyanos is now a senior researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • Junkee Rhie is now on the faculty at Seoul National University, Korea
  • Sebastien Rousset is back in France, teaching
  • Hrvoje Tkalčić is a professor at the Australian National University
  • Akiko Toh is now a researcher at JAMSTEC

Post-Doctoral Associates

  • Yder Masson is a researcher at Magic3D, Pau, France
  • Thomas Bodin is a research scientist at CNRS, Lyon, France
  • Marco Calo is a research scientist at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Fabio Cammarano is now on the faculty at the University of Rome, Italy
  • Yann Capdeville is a CNRS permanent researcher at the University of Nantes
  • Eric Clevede is a CNRS researcher at IPG-Paris
  • Paul Cupillard is now a researcher in Nancy, France
  • Olivier Coutant is at Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
  • Joseph Durek is a program manager at the Strategic Technology Office
  • Xiang Dong Li is now retired
  • Federica Marone is now a staff research scientist at the Paul Scherer Institute in Switzerland
  • Huaiyu Yuan is now a researcher at Macquarie University, Australia

Past and Present Visiting Scientists

  • Jiajun Chong
  • Ed Garnero is a full professor at Arizona State University
  • Jan Matas is a CNRS researcher at Ecole normale superieure, Lyon
  • Annie Souriau is retired from Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse
  • Georges Poupinet is retired LGIT in Grenoble
  • Nozomu Takeuchi is back at Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo
  • Lev Vinnik is at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow
  • Yuzhu Liu is a Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai