Former Participants
Graduate Students
- Sevan Adourian (PhD 2023) is now a post-doc at Brown University
- Heng-Yi Su (MS 2022) is now a data scientist at UBER (CA)
- Li-Wei Chen (PhD 2022) is now a post-doc at UC Berkeley
- Alex Robson (PhD 2020) is a data scientist at dotData (San Mateo, CA)
- Anais Ibourichene (PhD 2017) continued as a post-doc at Nancy, France
- Pierre Clouzet (PhD 2017) continued as a post-doc at ENS Lyon, France
- Matthias Meschede (PhD 2015) is director of business at QuantStack, Paris, France
- Zhao (Allen) Zheng (PhD 2014) is now a Microseismic Geophysicist at Halliburton, TX
- Scott French (PhD 2014) was recruited by Google Inc.
- Sanne Cottaar (PhD 2013) is now associate Professor at Cambridge University, U.K.
- Vedran Lekic (PhD 2009) is now associate professor at the University of Maryland
- Junkee Rhie (PhD 2006) is now professor at Seoul National University, Korea
- Akiko Toh (PhD 2005) is now a researcher at JAMSTEC
- David Dolenc (PhD 2005) became a researcher at the U of Minnesota, Duluth, Large Lakes Observatory
- Mark Panning (PhD 2004) is now on the science team at JPL, Pasadena, CA
- Yuancheng Gung (PhD 2003) is now a professor at National Taiwan University
- Chaincy Kuo (PhD 2002) is now a researcher at LBNL
- Michael Antolik went on to a scientist position at QTSI/AFTAC in Florida
- Ludovic Breger (PhD 2002) is now with Barclays Global Investors
- Hrvoje Tkalčić (PhD 2001) is a professor at the Australian National University
- Charles Megnin (PhD 2000) now lives in France
- Yves LeStunff (PhD 1996) went to work at Total Exploration & Prodution (first as researcher now Managing Director of Total E&P Bulgaria and Total E&P Greece)
- Michael Pasyanos (PhD 1996) is now a senior researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Sebastien Rousset (MS 199x) is teaching Physics at college level in France
- Tony Monfret is a researcher at GEOAZUR, Nice, France
- Antoine Mocquet (PhD 1990) is a professor at the Université de Nantes, France
- Philippe Lognonné (PhD 1989) is a professor at Université de Paris Descartes and IPG Paris, France
- Martine Bussy
- Florence Bourjot
- Catherine Brandon
Post-Doctoral Associates
- Yder Masson is a researcher at Magic3D, Pau, France
- Thomas Bodin is a research scientist at CNRS, Lyon, France
- Marco Calo is a research scientist at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Fabio Cammarano is associate professor at the University of Rome, Roma Tre, Italy
- Yann Capdeville is directeur de recherches at CNRS, Laboratoire de Planétologie et de Géodynamique, Nantes
- Eric Clevede is a CNRS researcher at IPG-Paris
- Paul Cupillard is associate professor at University of Lorraine, in Nancy, France
- Olivier Coutant is at Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
- Joseph Durek is group Lead at Advanced Systems Development, STR (Systems & Technology Research), Woburn, MA
- Xiang Dong Li is now retired
- Federica Marone is now a beamline scientist at the Paul Scherer Institute in Switzerland
- Huaiyu Yuan is now a researcher at Macquarie University, Australia and the Geological Survey of Western Australia